Tesla aren’t the only auto EV maker, Toyota has been at it all the way since back when the Toyota Prius was first released. Toyota are teaming up with Panasonic to develop prismatic cell batteries and solid-state batteries which they are hoping will give them an edge over fellow competitors in the market.
Panasonic are the manufacturer and provider for the batteries you’ll find in Toyota’s range of hybrid vehicles and they are working hard on improving the effeciency of the technology. They have been working side-by-side since 1996 when they formed Primearth EV Energy Co.
It is exciting to see so many different brands tinkering away with their ideas and it will be great to see what the next 5-10 years brings.

Kris is the founder of 86modified.com and has a love for cars and modifying them. He has owned many different Japanese cars and has enjoyed installing modifications to get more power or fitting body parts to change the aesthetics.
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